Living in Retardoville
We are going to set up an MS-SQL server at work. It's going to run on a dedicated machine, which gives better performance. We've identified a physical box to run this on, once we migrate what's currently running on that box to a virtual machine. This box is a dual processor server. MS licenses MS-SQL per processor.
So we are going to pull a processor from the machine to save licensing costs.
Now, what makes this retarded is not what we're doing, it's the stupidity and overhead of the MS revenue model.
We're not using a dedicated server strictly for performance and then electing to lobotomize it because we're morons. We're lobotomizing it to save money because the MS way gives us a financial incentive to cripple our server.
Go, Open Source!
We are going to set up an MS-SQL server at work. It's going to run on a dedicated machine, which gives better performance. We've identified a physical box to run this on, once we migrate what's currently running on that box to a virtual machine. This box is a dual processor server. MS licenses MS-SQL per processor.
So we are going to pull a processor from the machine to save licensing costs.
Now, what makes this retarded is not what we're doing, it's the stupidity and overhead of the MS revenue model.
We're not using a dedicated server strictly for performance and then electing to lobotomize it because we're morons. We're lobotomizing it to save money because the MS way gives us a financial incentive to cripple our server.
Go, Open Source!
Don't yank the processor - you can just license one CPU and then inside SQL tell it only use 1 CPU.
Good Luck.
Intermittent Success
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